By adhering to national and international standards as well as best market practices, we ensure the trustworthiness of our systems and protect our customers from financial risks, penalties, and reputational damage.
ISO 27001 certification demonstrates our commitment to managing information security with the highest standards. We pay close attention to maintaining and improving the best security practices and internal processes.
Download ISO 27001 certificateGet to know the security practices defined in our ISO 27001 certification or learn about our company's long-term objectives and the scope of ISMS.
download Our security practices (PDF)download company objictives (PDF)Since 2014, we have provided trusted authentication solutions, maintaining a global reputation for reliability. Our Code of Conduct outlines the ethical standards expected of all employees, guiding our commitment to integrity and professionalism.
Download Code of ConductLiability insurance by ČSOB Pojišťovna, member of the KBC Group, bolsters trust in our company and provides additional stability guarantees, especially to our large corporate customers.
The security of our solutions has been rigorously verified by independent third-party penetration testing conducted by Integra .
PowerAuth by Wultra is used in YRIS, the French digital ID by AriadNext (IDnow). The underlying AriadNext SDK for iOS and Android was strictly reviewed by the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and certified for CSPN (First Category Cybersecurity Product).
PowerAuth by Wultra is used in MojeID Klíč, the e-government authenticator app for iOS and Android used by the CZ.NIC organization. As such, it was certified to a substantial assurance level under the eIDAS framework by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.
Wultra s.r.o.
Belehradska 858/23
120 00 Prague - Vinohrady
Czech Republic
Company ID: 03643174
VAT ID: CZ03643174
The company is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 235343.