Wultra prepared an updated version of the authenticator app for mojeID, a project run by the CZ.NIC association. Users of the mojeID service can now seamlessly and securely log in to various eGovernment and commercial services with MojeID Klíč, an easy-to-use mobile app for iOS and Android.
To deliver a reliable authenticator app in the shortest possible time to market, mojeID chose the Mobile Token solution by Wultra. A secure mobile app available on iOS and Android allows mojeID users to verify identity while accessing eGovernment and commercial online services. Before confirming the login request with a PIN code or biometry, users can see the name of the service provider and session identifier, which dramatically reduces the risk of unauthorized access.
Users can appreciate the benefits of simple access through MojeID Klíč while logging in to more than 1 000 online services.
With mojeID, we strive to enable easy access to eGovernment and commercial online services to everyone. We wanted to make a new authenticator app that is user-friendly and meets the strictest security requirements. The MojeID Klíč app we developed with Wultra delivered on these goals, and it was an instant success among the users. Over 10 000 people downloaded the app in the first two weeks after release.

Ondřej Filip, CZ.NIC
Chief Executive Officer
The Power of Open Source
CZ.NIC encourages open solutions for its projects to ensure maximum transparency and security. As authentication technologies by Wultra have publicly available source codes, they fully meet these requirements, and anyone can audit or review them at any time.
Towards Trusted Identity
To comply with eIDAS, the latest EU legislation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Single Market, mojeID Klíč was certified on substantial level of assurance under eIDAS by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.